Personal Influence 

Do You Wish You Had More Influence with Your Team?

As a manager, do you find it challenging to get things done your way and have your team rally to your side? Many managers have never been taught the basics of effective communication and, as a result, struggle to influence their team.

Recognizing Personal Influence

You can intuitively recognize a person with personal influence in social situations and at work. These individuals have excellent interpersonal skills and can motivate people to act voluntarily. They are well-known, popular, and cooperation is never an issue. Such individuals often achieve great success in their projects.

Disengaged employees can negatively affect other employees and customers. According to recent Gallup studies, employee disengagement costs U.S. employers a staggering $300 billion annually. Properly managed or engaged employees usually take fewer sick days and generate an average of 43% more revenue.

The Importance of Interpersonal Skills

Imagine it’s report card time – what grade would you receive on your interpersonal skills? For a team leader, strong interpersonal skills are crucial. The better your communication skills, the more likely you are to be respected and trusted by your team.

Effective communication and dealing with people account for a large portion of a manager’s daily work. The way managers and employees communicate significantly affects morale, teamwork, productivity, and employee retention. Frequent communication breakdowns can lead to disengaged employees.


Overcoming Communication


While organizations often train managers and employees in job-specific duties, they frequently overlook interpersonal skills training. Many managers want to improve communication with their teams but don’t know where to start or how to make their communication truly effective.

 If you are struggling with team communication, you’re not alone. Training in the art of becoming people smart can significantly enhance your professionalism and influence. You can immediately experience improved morale and productivity and build a solid communication foundation for your team.

People Smart Workshop: How to Improve Your Personal Influence

The art of relating to people is not hard to learn. Our workshop, “How to Improve Your Personal Influence,” helps managers enhance their influence by sharpening their personal skills. This unique workshop, developed and taught by Jim Rooney, provides proven methods for getting along and prospering with others.

 Training Benefits

Effective Communication: Learn and practice productive ways to communicate instructions, recommendations, and feelings.

Skill Building: Develop skills such as listening, responding with empathy, probing for needs, providing options, and accepting others.

Increased Trust: Understand the communication and relationship needs of others to build trust.

Enhanced Productivity: Increase team productivity by improving teamwork and morale.

Essential Personal Skills: Discover the nine essential skills for better personal influence.

Interdepartmental Communication: Improve communication across departments.

Future Orientation: Learn to anticipate problems by being future-oriented.

Reduced Tension: Decrease relationship tension and animosity.

Effective Time Management: Discover ways to use time effectively.

The Nine Essential Competencies

These nine vital attributes are crucial for managers to learn and practice regularly to increase their influence:

 1. Person to Person Communication

2. Written Competencies

3. Communication Mechanics

4. Seek to Understand Before Being Understood

5. Keep Your Promises

6. Have High Expectations of Others

7. Effective Use of Time

8. Dress Well, Look Good

9. Attitude Excellence

Connect With Jim

For more information on our other coaching and training services, please browse our website or reach out to us directly. We are here to help you achieve your organizational goals.


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