Navigating Effective Communication with DISC

Have you ever been mismanaged?

Have you been guilty of mismanaging one of your employees? The answer is almost always yes!

In dealing with workplace issues, I frequently hear stories like the following. See if you can relate. 

Georgina is extremely frustrated. She feels under­utilized in her capacity as the Executive Vice President of her company. During planning meetings her boss doesn’t seem to value her insights and comments.

Her boss’s highest value is “get things done.” His favorite saying is “Executing successfully is everything!”  Georgina muses, “Why doesn’t he believe that I can execute?”

“When he hired me, we discussed extensively about my ability to get things done.”  “He pays me very well, so I know he doesn’t have gender bias.”

She silently screams. “I know I execute successfully, please give me a chance!”

Dan, her boss, thinks, “Georgina has potential. ” “She is always the first person in the meetings to make suggestions on how to make improvements and changes.”

Dan wonders how she can come up with ideas so quickly. As a matter of fact, he suspects her ideas are not quality because she offers them so quickly.  He wishes that she would put more thought into her comments.

Both are frustrated with each other.  What can be done to help them resolve their dilemma? The answer is in the next segment.

Comprehending how a person likes to interact with his/her environment and their communication preferences is the first step to gaining rapport and trust with an individual.

Learning the universal temperament language of DISC will accelerate your influence and skill with people and deepen your understanding of human behavior.

First take an inventory.

Both Georgina and Dan responded to a temperament profile analysis that provided an inventory of their communication and relationship preferences. 

Sharing their reports with each other eventually dissolved their angst and ill feelings towards each other.

Dan discovered that Georgina’s natural temperament style is to see the answers to problems and opportunities quickly.

She likes a medium amount of interaction and has a high need for mobility, both physically and with thought. She is very independent and wants to have some control over the work she does.

Dan is dumbfounded! That is exactly what he is looking for in getting the job done.

Georgina discovered that Dan has the need to get things done quickly (they are alike in this dimension).

He is methodical and accurate. He prefers a small amount of interaction and doesn’t display his emotions. He wants to be accommodating and helpful but will not get too close.

Can they work together or not?

After much discussion, they decided on a new way to work together.

Dan will provide Georgina with an agenda prior to each meeting. She agrees to capture her thoughts on paper during the meeting and be more tuned-in to the other members’ comments and suggestions.

Dan will meet with her the next day and listen to her ideas for improving the company. They agreed to try the system for a month.

Dan eventually implements many of her ideas because they were right on target and exactly what he was looking for.

From the information she learned in the temperament profile, Georgina made it a habit to not be demanding and give Dan plenty of time to digest, focus, and execute.

Because of their newfound affinity for working together, they can meet and exceed expectations of the quote “Executing is everything!”

In the end…

Dan is happy, and Georgina feels valued. What once was a dysfunctional team, is now a dynamic duo experiencing the gifts of understanding, camaraderie and work fulfillment.

Does the use of temperament profile assessments always work out this good? The answer is YES! Sometimes a person simply doesn’t have the right temperament or values for a specific job. They discover another job that fits them better and thrive there.

I’ve noticed that people that leave a job usually find a better one. It’s a win-win situation.

What would have happened if Georgina and Dan had not experienced the temperament profile process?

Both would be investing a lot of time in dealing with their misunderstandings of each other, which robs productivity.

Dan would be pondering about how to replace Georgina. Georgina would be thinking about finding employment elsewhere even though she was a good fit for her position in the company.

Time Wasted

In many work environments, much of the employees’ human capital is spent on relationship issues, diverting their focus from excelling at work.

Stop guessing at how to work best with other people. Be wise, use assessments and get the most out of your employees!

Understand their communication and relationship preferences and find a way to work with those preferences. You will be amazed at the transformation right before your eyes.

What you once thought was inadequate in the employee, you now find to be very much what the job needed. The only thing that changed was a new paradigm of thought.



For over 30 years, Jim has provided personal skills management training, coaching, and consulting to a wide variety of businesses and municipalities. People Smart Tools specializes in helping people work well with people. Owners and managers call on us when they know they are not getting the best out of their team.

Contact Jim at 325-642-1116

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